Omada Health. Illustration Set

Omada aims to inspire people to make lasting health changes on their own terms. They partner with health plans and employers to equip members with personalized tools, resources, and support to improve their health one step at a time.

The project's objective: design a series of flat-styled illustrations with a trendy noise effect in shadows in a consistent style with those that exist throughout Omada educational experience.

We want to expand our illustration library inventory so that we can utilize a variety of images in our cardiometabolic product experience and in-program comms (so we aren’t just reusing the same ones repeatedly). This is a timely request in conjunction with the in-program notification overhaul as part of the Braze migration.


Gold Medal!

I hit my weight goal!

Great job weighing in / You got this!

Great job tracking meals!

Nice job staying active / Way to go!

Nice job connecting with your virtual Omada tribe!

Be sure to check your blood glucose so you can stay aware and take action!

Your heart thanks you / Nice job checking your blood pressure!


Omada Health

Creative Director
Alex Mandel

Kelli Kosarek
Eugene Borodulin

Kelli Kosarek
Chloe Berger

Timid Kiddom Team